Vice president
Prof. Cees Th. Smit Sibinga, MD, PhD, FRCP Edin, FRCPath
Clinical haematologist and specialist of Transfusion Medicine; special professor of International Development of Transfusion Medicine at the University Medical Centre Groningen, involved in the development of Transfusion Medicine and quality systems and management for economically restricted countries since 1980 through his work with the World Health Organization (WHO), the World Federation of Haemophilia (WFH) and the International Consortium for Blood Safety.
For 25 years he has served as the Managing Director of Sanquin Division Blood Bank Noord Nederland in Groningen, the Netherlands. Since 1993 the Blood Bank did incorporate the WHO Collaborating Centre for Blood Transfusion and the WFH International Hemophilia Training Centre in Groningen. In 2001 the Blood Bank became the first Collaborating Centre of the International Consortium for Blood Safety (ICBS). He has organized 28 international symposia on Transfusion Medicine in Groningen, published over 350 peer reviewed scientific articles and chapters in books, and edited over 35 books. He was the chairman of the organizing committee of the 1986 12th International Scientific Meeting Society for Low Temperature Biology in Groningen, the 1990 3rd WAA congress and vice-chairman of the 1994 International Congress of ISBT in Amsterdam.
Quality Management –
Founder of the Dutch Blood Bank Inspection and Accreditation Program and Haemovigilance System. His blood bank was the first non-American civilian blood centre accredited by the AABB in 1981. Since then he served the AABB inspection and accreditation program as a lead inspector/auditor till 2004.
Founder, first Director and Manager Operations of the Consulting Services of the Sanquin Blood Supply Foundation and of the Academic Institute for International Development of Transfusion Medicine (IDTM) at the University of Groningen in the Netherlands.
Served (2000-2004) as the regional coordinator to the global WHO Quality Management Project for the Europe region. In addition, Cees Smit Sibinga has also been the first Vice President and Director of the AABB Consulting Services Division providing quality and process improvement solutions to Transfusion Medicine and related biological therapies worldwide, to which he now serves as the Senior Medical Advisor.
Science and Education –
Organized 28 international symposia on Transfusion Medicine in Groningen, published over 350 peer reviewed scientific articles and chapters in books, and edited over 35 books. Chairman of the organizing committee of the 1986 12th International Scientific Meeting Society for Low Temperature Biology in Groningen, the 1990 3rd WAA congress and vice-chairman of the 1994 International Congress of ISBT in Amsterdam.
Served ISBT in numerous working parties and committees (e.g. Socio-economic, Education, Publications, Clinical Transfusion, Global Blood Safety, etc) and served as the Editor in Chief of Transfusion Today from 1992 till 2004.
Founder of the European Society for Haemapheresis (EFSH) and a co-founder of the World Apheresis Association (WAA) and served both organizations as a President. Chair AABB Global Transfusion Forum subcommittee Education.
Founder of the Academic Institute for International Development of Transfusion Medicine (IDTM) at UMCG, Groningen focused on restricted economy countries. This unique institute provides a post-academic Master course in Management of Transfusion Medicine (MMTM).
Edited over 35 books on Transfusion Medicine, published over 350 peer reviewed articles and chapters in books and presented countless posters and orals at numerous international professional congresses and meetings.
International Consulting –
Since 1980 increasingly involved in international short term consulting missions and medium and long term projects focused on the development of Transfusion Medicine in economically restricted countries in Asia, Eastern Europe, Africa, Western Pacific and the Middle East. Many of these missions and projects were undertaken and completed on behalf of WHO and/or on a specific request of country Ministries of Health.
Honorary member: Netherlands Soc. Blood Transfusion, Indian Soc. Blood Transfusion and Immunohaematology, Brazilian Soc. Blood Transfusion, Hellenic Soc. Blood Transfusion, Hungarian Society for Blood Transfusion, BEST Collaborative.
Special honours: Mayo Clinic lecturer (1984),
Lila Mulgoolghar Memorial Lecture (1997),
AABB Joel Solomon Memorial Award for Quality Management in Transfusion Medicine (2001),
Tibor Greenwalt Lecturer (2002),
Claes Högman Memorial Lecture (2007),
Harvard Medical School JPTM Grand Rounds Lecturer (2010).
AABB President’s Award (2019).
Biodata –
Born 17-06-1939, Makassar, Indonesia
Marital status married, 4 children, 8 grandchildren
Education 1965, MD at University of Groningen
1971, Internist and Clinical Haematologist, University Medical Center, Groningen
1972, PhD University of Groningen
1992, FRCP Transfusion Medicine, Edinburgh, Scotland
1995, FRCPath Transfusion Medicine, London, UK